60 x 90 cm, Fine-Art-Print on Hahnemühle PhotoRag, 6+2AP, signed and numbered on certificate of authenticity. 40 x 60 cm, C-Print, 10+2AP, signed and numbered on certificate of authenticity. 24 x 36 cm, Fine-Art-Print on Hahnemühle PhotoRag, 50+2AP, signed and numbered on certificate of authenticity.
60 x 90 cm, Fine-Art-Print on Hahnemühle PhotoRag, 6+2AP, signed and numbered on certificate of authenticity. 40 x 60 cm, C-Print, 10+2AP, signed and numbered on certificate of authenticity. 24 x 36 cm, Fine-Art-Print on Hahnemühle PhotoRag, 50+2AP, signed and numbered on certificate of authenticity.
60 x 90 cm, Fine-Art-Print on Hahnemühle PhotoRag, 6+2AP, signed and numbered on certificate of authenticity. 40 x 60 cm, C-Print, 10+2AP, signed and numbered on certificate of authenticity. 24 x 36 cm, Fine-Art-Print on Hahnemühle PhotoRag, 50+2AP, signed and numbered on certificate of authenticity.
60 x 90 cm, Fine-Art-Print on Hahnemühle PhotoRag, 6+2AP, signed and numbered on certificate of authenticity. 40 x 60 cm, C-Print, 10+2AP, signed and numbered on certificate of authenticity. 24 x 36 cm, Fine-Art-Print on Hahnemühle PhotoRag, 50+2AP, signed and numbered on certificate of authenticity.
Don't touch my universe (2010)
Die Welt geht unter - Die Frisur sitzt! "Don´t touch my universe" behandelt die Gleichgültigkeit der Menschen gegenüber den Einflüssen die sie auf Umwelt und Natur nehmen. Alle im Bildhintergrund ablaufenden Katastrophenszenen finden so ihren Ursprung oder Auslöser. Begradigte Flüsse treten über die Ufer, Grundstücksspekulanten brennen ganze Wälder nieder und Chemie- und Atomindustrie führen zu Umweltkatastrophen von ungeheurem Ausmaß. Eine junge Frau die sich um nichts Anderes als ihre Schönheit und ihr Styling kümmert, interessieren derlei Vorgänge vor ihrem Fenster nicht im geringsten. Sie hat sich voll dem schnellen Konsum verschrieben und ignoriert die damit verbundenen Risiken für Natur und Umwelt.
“Don't touch my universe” is about the indifference of the people against the influences which they take on the environment and nature. All disaster scenes running in the pictures backgrounds find their origin or trigger there. Straightened rivers burst their banks, real estate speculators burn down whole forests, and chemical and nuclear industries lead to environmental disaster of enormous proportions. A young lady who cares about nothing other than her beauty and her style ignores the transactions outside her window. She is committed fully to the rapid consumption and ignores the resulting risks of nature and the environment.
- Silver medal for picture #3 - Trierenberg super circuit 2012
- 2nd lifestyle - Sony world photography awards 2011
- 3 honorable mentions - IPA International photography awards 2011